
Pierian Sodality Concert.

Last night the Pierian Sodality, assisted by Miss Viola Campbell of Cambridge, and E. M. Waterhouse '97, gave a concert in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, Providence, R. I. The Union of Practical Progress had charge of the concert and the proceeds will be devoted to a fund for a summer playground in Providence. The programme was as follows:

1. March-Militaire, Schubert.

2. Solo by Miss Campbell.

3. Minuet, Thallon.

4. March-Tannhauser, Wagner.


5. Waltz-Wein, Weib und Gesang, Strauss.

6. Solo by E. M. Waterhouse '97.

7. Intermezzo-Love's Dream after the Ball, Czibulka.

8. Solo by Miss Campbell.

9. March-King Cotton, Sousa.
