
Chess Club.

Mr. W. I. Kennard of the Boston Chess Club played eight games simultaneously against members of the Harvard club last evening. Following is the score.

Player. Opening. Winner.

Ryder, Stonewall, Drawn.

Davis, French Defense, Davis.

Ffoulke, Allgaier Gambit, Ffoulke.


Southard, Ruy Lopez, Southard.

Holway, Allgaier Gambit, Kennard.

Hammond, King's Gambit, Kennard.

Day, King's Gambit Declined, Kennard.

Thayer, Ruy Lopez, Kennard.

Kennard 4 1-2; Chess Club 3 1-2.

This is a very creditable showing for the Club, as Mr. Kennard, though by no means at his best in skittles and much out of practice of late, is well known as one of the most ingenious players of the Boston club.
