
Cricket Eleven.

Eighteen men responded to the call for candidates for the cricket eleven yesterday, and probably more men will come out later in the week. The men are G. G. Parry 2 L., W. W. Comfort 1 G., H. C. Perkins 1 M., P. H. Clark '96, G. Lippincott '96, E. R. Matthews '96, W. A. Parker '96, E. Dupont '97, E. H. Wells '97, J. Ricketson '97, R. Logan '97, W. Byrd '97, H. G. Gray '97, H. Scott '98, T. M. Hastings '98, F. A. Kenned '98, C. E. Morgan '98, E. A. Waters '98, and G. Von Utassy '98. This is the best material that there has ever been at the beginning of the season. Most of the men have had a great deal of experience. Parry played on the Georgetown Juniors several years ago; Comfort on the Haverford '94 and Harvard '95 elevens; Perkins with Lowell; Clark, Harvard '93-'95, American Intercollegiate '95; Lippincott, Haverford '92-'95; Mathews, Harvard '94; Dupont, St. Paul's School, Harvard '94 '95; Wells, Harvard '94; Logan, Harvard '94; Gray, Harvard '94-'95, B. A. A. '95; Scott, Harvard '95; hastings, St. Paul's School, Harvard '95; Kennedy, Somerville, Harvard '95; Morgan, Harvard '95.

The schedule of games is as follows:

May 2. Lowell vs. Harvard at Lowell.

May 6. Zingari vs. Harvard at Beacon Park.

May 9. Brockton vs. Harvard at Brockton.


May 13. B. A. A. vs. Harvard at Longwood.

May 16. Lynn vs. Harvard at Lynn.

May 19. B. A. A. vs. Harvard at Longwood.

May 22. Pennsylvania vs. Harvard at Philadelphia.

May 23. Haverford vs. Harvard at Philadelphia.

Oct. 3. Broockton vs. Harvard at Brockton.

Several other games may be arranged later. The principal games of the year, of course, are the intercollegiate championship matches in Philadelphia. The year before last Harvard won both matches in Philadelphia, and there is no reason why the eleven should not do as well this year. These matches are important for this reason, also-that after the college term an international intercollegiate match is played with Canada. As the Haverford eleven is going abroad for a trip in England before that time, the American eleven will be made up from University of Pennsylvania and Harvard.

The question of the grounds on which the Harvard eleven will practice has not yet been settled. An effort is being made to get a pitch at Beacon Park or Longwood.
