Thursday evening, April 16, the Harvard Forum will hold a debate and smoker at the rooms of one of the members. This meeting will be the first of its kind in the history of the Harvard debating societies, but hereafter the Forum intends holding similar meetings at intervals thronghout the college year. At least two of them will be held shortly before the Yale and Princeton competitions. It is expected that the new features of smoking, eating of light refreshments and the comforts of easy chairs and window seats will bring out all the members. The chief aims of the innovation are, however, to strengthen the social side of the meetings, to cultivate the direct and "conversational" style of speaking, and by mutual criticism and suggestion to help each other to prepare for the trials in which the 'varsity debaters are selected. The Forum had three of the six speakers this year and hopes to have more next year, as all of the old debaters are coming back. The meeting will be open only to members and their friends. The subject and place will be announced later.
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