
Canadian Club.

The regular April business meeting and smoker of the Canadian Club was held last Saturday evening in Roberts Hall. J. E. Eaton 3 L., president of the club, presided. The officers elected for the following year were: President, W. H. S. Kollmyer 2 L.; vice-president, E. Brebant 1 Gr.; secretary, C. Seaman 1 Gr.; treasurer, F. G. Chisholm '98. It was decided to have a banquet in Boston on the queen's birthday, May 24, as usual though at what hotel was not determined. After the business meeting a regular programme was listened to Mr. Henry Sandham, vice-president of the Boston Art Club, spoke of experiences in connection with his work, of his models, and of life in general, as viewed from the standpoint of the artist. Mr. Grinfield Coxwell, professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons told of his life in Burmah and following him, Mr. E. W. Hughs, an Englishman, related adventures in Manitoba and the Northwest. Several musical numbers were then given, among them a solo by D. Grant.
