
Meeting of the Board of Overseers.

At the last meeting of the Board of Overseers it was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in their votes electing Arthur Tracy Cabot, A. M., M. D., a fellow of the Corporation; Charles Hall Grandgent, A. B., professor of romance languages, to serve from Sept. 1, 1896; appointing Robert De Courcy Ward, A. M., instructor in climatology, for one year from Sept. 1, 1896; Thomas Alford for instructor in architectural drawing, for one year from Sept. 1, 1896; J. Winthrop Platner, assistant professor of ecclesiastical history for five years from Sept. 1, 1896.

The following vote was also concurred in: To rescind so much of the standing vote of Dec. 18, 1871, on the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science as relates to the minimum residence for these degrees. The question of extending the right of voting for Overseers to graduates of the Lawrence Scientific School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Divinity School, and to the holders of the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science, was considered, and was decided in the negative-13 to 13.
