Rev. P. S. Moxom, of Springfield, conducted the last Vesper Service in Appleton Chapel yesterday, choosing as his text John XI, 16: "Let us also go, that we may die with Him." The audience was the largest of the season.
When Jesus proposed to go into Judea, said Dr. Moxom, all the apostles protested save one, Thomas, who is often called the doubter. He was the one to say it was better to go, that they might die with Christ. Yet Thomas, a truehearted and faithful follower of Jesus, often seems to have doubted. But sincere doubt is never a crime. The world has moved forward through doubters. When the heart is sincere, the logic of conscience becomes at last the logic of understanding.
The choir sang, "Give unto the Lord," Parker, and Mr. Beresford of Trinity Church, Boston, sang, "Holy, Holy," from Gaul's "Holy City," and "Trust in the Lord," from Sullivan's "Prodigal Son."
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