'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in 9 Little's at 5 o'clock. New men please be present.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 o'clock tonight.
PHILIP FRENCH, Sec.FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- All candidates for freshman baseball team meet in the Hemenway Gymnasium at 4.30 today.
CAMERA CLUB.- Postponed meeting tonight at nine o'clock in Sever 9. Postals issued Saturday will, therefore, refer to tonight. Professor Norton will speak to members and exhibitors.
PERCY BROWN.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 5.30, 39 Claverly.
O. F. RICHARDS, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.30 of all men. New men will bring Harvard Song Books.
R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal Monday, March 9, at 7 p. m. Every man must be present. Concerts coming.
C. P. M. RUMFORD, Conductor.LACROSSE.- Beginning with Monday, all candidates for the team will be required to come out more regularly, at 4 o'clock. On rainy days a long run will be taken on the track. New men should come out at once.
W. SCOTT.CHINESE SUNDAY SCHOOL.- The number of students needed to teach in the Chinese Sunday School, as announced in Monday's CRIMSON is not yet filled out. Further information may be obtained of D. Fales, Jr., Matthews 3, Monday, Wednesday or Friday, 9-11, or any evening, 6.30 to 7.00. 23 2t
ALL men wishing to present articles for consideration for the April number of the Harvard Monthly will confer a favor by having their manuscripts with the secretary on or before March 22.
H. A. PHILLIPS, 28 Holyoke St.23 2t
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayer is said each evening during Lent from 7.00-7.20 p. m., in 17 Grays. All members of the University are invited.
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The Music Hall Concert.