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We are glad to see that a committee has been appointed to make arrangements for the Junior dinner. We have often shown before how heartily we approve of such a dinner, and it is pleasant to note that the event has now almost become a fixture in the University. If the Junior class supports the committee in a whole-hearted way the dinner will be a most successful one, and in after years will be one of the pleasantest of college memories. This is almost the only occasion during the four years course when the different sorts of men in a class can be brought together and a sympathetic understanding established among them. There has been a spirit of good fellowship at the Junior dinner in the past that is seldom attained in such a large gathering of men, many of whose interests differ widely. The genuine old class sprit, which has now almost disappeared, revives at these dinners and each man feels that there is a common bond of sympathy between himself and his possibly unknown classmate.

Ninety-seven has our best wishes for a very successful dinner.
