
The Advocate.

Number one, volume LXI, of the Advocate appears today.

"The Man of Honor," by Austin Corbin, Jr., is a decidedly clever essay, though one cannot help feeling that the cleverness is misapplied. The first two paragraphs and the last seem to be written in a serious mood and contain so much truth in such a small space that almost every sentence amounts to a truism. The rest of the essay is written in a sort of flippant, serio-comic vein, which is out of place. Honor is too grave a subject to be flippantly treated.

"Mr. Dykenspoop on Golf," by Clay Arthur Pierce is a spirited sketch. It shows in a humorous way how utterly incomprehensible golf terms are to the uninitiated.

S. Ivan Tonjoroff's "10.49: 33, Study," is dismal. After carefully reading it over four times we are unable to determine whether it was witnessing the execution of a murderer or writing a three column sensational story about it that robbed the reporter of his sleep, but we are inclined to believe it was the latter.

Among the other contents are:


A Sunday Idyl, Lombard Williams.

Jerome, Paul K. Hastings.

Sonnet, Stephen Duncan.
