
Special Notice.

PACH BROS. have about finished the senior class photographs and there is more time now to make the interior views that are wanted and no better souvenior of college life can be had than a picture of your room. 40 12t

WILL the fellow who, yesterday afternoon at about half-past five, took from Sever 11 my hat by mistake, kindly return the same to 20 Weld and get his own?

LAUNCH FOR SALE.- 35 foot, 10 horse, complete cabin finished handsomely, all conveniences, light draft, a bargain. Address C, CRIMSON office. 41 6t

LOST OR STOLEN.- A Lovell Diamond Bicycle, '95 modle, with brass plate bearing the name of the make was taken from Claverly Hall Saturday afternoon, March 28, at about 6.15. On its return to the janitor a suitable3 rewared wil be given.

R. G. WADSWORTH, 55 Cleaverly Hall.DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follow: Cambridgeport, Odd Felloows Hll, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appoint ment.

