

Easter Trip of the Nine.- A Fencing Team will Compete at New York.

NEW HAVEN, March 28, 1896.

The candidates for the university baseball team were again reduced yesterday, and the squad now numbers seventeen men, fourteen of whom will be selected to go on the Easter trip. For the past few days the candidates have been practicing at the Field, but on account of the muddy condition of the diamond only outfield practice was possible. In consequence of this the nine will be very poorly prepared for the southern trip, and will not be expected to win many games from the teams who have had the advantage of longer outdoor practice. The first game will be played with the Hampton School at Hampton, Va., next Friday, April 3. The remaining games are: On Saturday and Monday, the University of Virginia; Tuesday, University of North Carolina; Wednesday, Georgetown University.

The preliminary trials for the choice of men from the Yale Union to speak in the coming debate with Harvard were held last evening. From the large number of competitors six were selected as follows: H. Bingham '98, W. Cheney '96, W. H. Clark '96, E. H. Hume '97, A. P. Stokes, Jr., '96, C. H. Studinski '97. These men will speak in competition with three representatives from the Law School and two from the Divinity School in the final debate to be held April 10.

The Mask and Wig Theatrical Societies of the University of Pennsylvania are at present making arrangements for the presentation of their production, "No Gentleman of France," on the evening of April 22, at the Hyperion Theatre. The role includes seventy-five members of the University, fifteen of whom are employed in the cast proper and about sixty in the chorus. The play is a Napoleonic burlesque. Seven performances will be given in Philadelphia the week succeeding Easter, after which the company will appear for one night each in Boston, New Haven and New York. The burlesque will be produced entirely under the direction of the members of the university, no professional coaching whatever being allowed. The company will appear here under the auspices of the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs, and the proceeds of this performance will be devoted to the University Library.

The Yale Fencing Club has accepted a challenge from the New York Fencers' Club and a team will be sent to New York to take part in a contest on April 3 and 4. This team will consist of G. S. Haydock '97, H. B. Wilcox '98, and R. T. Dana '96S. An invitation meet will probably be held in New Haven some time this spring and it is expected that a cup will be offered as a prize.


