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To the Editors of the Crimson:

The meeting in Sanders, Thursday evening, in which Mr. Roosevelt spoke, seems to me to contain in itself the solution of the evil which he strove to point out and cure. It is this: that the way to cure the lack of unity and enthusiasm in the student body here, is to bring together the whole College in just such meetings as that of Thursday and stir up enthusiasm.

That is the way they do at smaller colleges where there is more enthusiasm in a single man than there is here-as a rule-in the whole College. What better way to open an athletic season than to have a meeting in Sanders and create enthusiasm by speeches by graduates and undergraduates? An editorial in a college paper is a good thing but an enthusiastic meeting before a big game would do more to make the College support their team and Alma Mater than an editorial in a college paper every day for a year.

