NOTICE TO SENIORS.- Each member of the class will receive two lists of photographs tomorrow. These lists contain full directions for ordering photographs of different members of the class and faculty, and also group views and albums.
PACH BROS.PACH BROS. have about finished the senior class photographs and there is more time now to make the interior views that are wanted and no better souvenir of college life can be had than a picture of your room. 40 12t
ROOMMATE WANTED: to occupy one half of a suite in Walter Hastings for 1896-97, or longer. Southern exposure, up one flight, in every way desirable. Please leave name at Thurston's. 39 2t
TO LET.- Desirable house having 10 rooms and bath with all modern conveniences, located on Broadway, near public library.
WILLIAM A. MULLER, 92 State St., Boston.36 6t
The leading feature in the Crawford Shoe-it fits the average human foot as good as a shoe made to order.
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