

'96 Crew.- Row at 3.30.

F. M. FORBES.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.

R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today 5 o'clock; 39 Claverly Hall.

O. F. RICHARDS, Sec.FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- All candidates for freshman baseball team meet in the Hemenway Gymnasium at 4.30 today.

W. L. GARRISON, JR.LAWN TENNIS CLUB.- Annual meeting of all members for election of officers, Friday, March 27, at 7 p. m., in 3 Holworthy.


A. CODMAN, Sec.HARVARD UNION.- There will be no debate tomorrow night as every Union man is expected to try tonight for the Yale debate.

HARVARD FORUM.- Debate postponed on account of President Eliot's address.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock sharp.

PHILIP FRENCH, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayer is said each evening during Lent from 7.00-7.20 p. m., in 17 Grays. All members of the University are invited.


CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting Thursday night in Holden Chapel at 6.45 p. m. Dr. C. F. Rice. An invitation is extended to all members of the University.

Nominations for president for half-year beginning May 15, are due and may be entered by any member. Nominations should be sent before March 28 to

W. W. ORR, 18 Weld Hall.39 2t
