

A Course in Debating like English VI will be Given at Yale Next Year.

NEW HAVEN, March 21, 1896.

During the past week the increased interest in debating lately manifested by members of the Sheffield Scientific School has culminated in the formation of a new society-The Sheffield Debating Club. This organization is the first of its kind in this department of the University, although the advisability of its formation has been under discussion for some time. The movement not only means the broadening and advancement of that department, but will contribute largely toward strengthening and maintaining interest in debating throughout the entire University.

In view of the approaching Harvard-Yale contest the debating clubs of the graduate departments have been more than usually active, and the preliminary contests will soon be held. The final competition will occur immediately after the April recess. A Thatcher prize of $75 will be awarded to that member of the academical department who most distinguishes himself at this latter contest. From the outcome of the Harvard-Princeton debate it is realized that Yale will have to make strenuous efforts if her representatives are to be victorious in the coming contest with Harvard, which will determine the supremacy in debating for the year. If Yale should be successful, debating would practically be re-established in its old position of importance among University affairs dependent alone on the enthusiasm of the undergraduate body.

Considering the recent interest in debate the Faculty have decided to offer a new course this next year and the senior and junior classes will have in it an exceptional opportunity for the cultivation of skill in debating. Special attention is to be given to the course in "Economic Debates," in order that it may afford systematic training for skill and readiness in argument and in extemporaneous speaking. Instruction will also be given in rhetoric and in the preparation of briefs.

The annual spring games of the University Athletic Association will be held at the Field on Monday, May 2, under the rules of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America. The handicapping will be done by an official of the A. A. U. The track is a quarter of a mile, with banked turns and a 220 yards straightaway.


The faculty of the freshman class have decided to grant the request of the class navy for a race with the University of Wisconsin. The probable date of the contest is Thursday, June 18, the day after the close of the examinations, and the course will be on Lake Saltonstall, about six miles from New Haven.

The unversity crew has been rowing at the harbor for the past few days, and their improvement has accordingly been much more rapid than before. The freshman crew is still at work in the tank at the gymnasium, as they have not as yet sufficiently mastered the rudiments of the stroke to enable them to row in a shell. The candidates are on the average lighter in weight than those of last year, and have not as yet shown very great promise.

The management of the university nine has announced the complete schedule of games to be played this spring. Five games will be played on the Easter trip. Twenty-eight games are arranged, eleven of which will be played on the home grounds.

