WILL the man who exchanged hats with me at the last meeting of the Deutscher Verein return mine and get his own.
J. W. EDSON, 12 Thayer.37 2t
To LET.- Desirable house having 10 rooms and bath with all modern conveniences, located on Broadway, near public library.
WILLIAM A. MULLER, 92 State St., Boston.36 6t
DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.
ALL graduates of '94 and '95 who have not yet received copies of the Portfolio for '94 or '95 may receive them by writing W. B. Wolffe.
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Overseers' Meeting.