
Cycling Association.

The Athletic Committee has given the Cycling Association permission to train the racing team separately from the track team and to use the Cambridge track for that purpose. This separation has been made necessary by the advance in cycling in recent years which precludes the possibility of bicycle men training on a track built for foot races.

Mr. A. B. Rich, the veteran trainer, has consented to act as racing coach; he will be assisted by F. S. Elliot L. S.

Mr. Rich has refused to accept any remuneration for his services. He was manager of the N. Y. A. C. cycle team, has been connected with cycling either as a racing man or as a trainer for ten years, and the Cycling Association feel much gratified to be able to have the advice and supervision of so experienced a trainer.

A new feature in college bicycle racing, a quadracycle race, will be introduced in the invitation collegiate meet to be held June 3. A quadracycle is a bicycle seated for four men. On it a far greater speed can be developed than on a single wheel. In racing with these machines team work counts more than individual ability. There have been very few races in which a quadracycle has been used, and no college men have as yet tried this branch of bicycling.

A man who is a good road rider is better for this machine than one who makes a specialty of short distance riding, and, as many men went into the road races held here last fall, Harvard will probably have much good material.


The "Quad. team" will be distinct from the regular H. U. C. A. racing team, so that a man who does not feel that he has any aptitude for short distance racing will have a good opportunity of making this team, provided he is strong and well built.
