

Separate Meeting for Bicycle Events.- No Three=Mile Run.

The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America was held at the Fifth A venue Hotel, Saturday afternoon. The delegates from the Harvard Athletic Association were J. L. Bremer, N. W. Bingham, Jr., and A. H. Bullock.

A motion to form an alliance with the Amateur Athletic Union was passed and in future the I. A. A. A. A. is entitled to representation at all meetings of the A. A. U. by four delegates, having collectively one vote. No action was taken on the challenge from the Western Intercollegiate Association for a meeting on the Saturday following the regular championship meeting in New York.

A motion to add the three mile run to the list of events for the annual championship games was lost.

An important change was effected, however, on the programme. Instead of a two mile bicycle race, five cycling events were added. They will take place on the Wednesday previous to the Saturday of the athletic championship, and a separate challenge cup will be presented to the winning college. The rule for scoring the bicycle events reads:

"But the bicycle races shall be counted as a whole upon the following basis, viz.; Five points for the college or university winning the highest aggregate of points in these races; two points for the second college, and one point for the third in rank."


The entire programme now is: 100 yards dash, 220 yards dash, quarter mile, half mile, mile, high hurdles, low hurdles, one mile walk, running high jump, running broad jump, pole vault, putting the shot (16 pounds), throwing the hammer (16 pounds); in the bicycle meeting: quarter mile, half mile, one mile, five miles, and one mile for tandem teams.

The following colleges and universities were elected to membership: Holy Cross College, University of Rochester, University of Wisconsin, Columbian University of Washington, D. C., Boston University, Washington and Jefferson College. Union College was reinstated as a full member, with the proviso that no athlete who had competed under its colors in the last two years should be eligible for competition in the future. This shuts C. H. Kilpatrick, holder of the world's record for the half mile, out of any further competition in collegiate championships.

The election of officers resulted as follows: President, G. T. Kirby, Columbia; vice-president, R. D. Douglass, Georgetown; secretary, A. D. Call, Brown University; treasurer, T. B. Vermillya, College of the City of New York; executive committee, A. H. Bullock, Harvard; S. Murdock Kendrick, Pennsylvania; L. P. Sheldon, Yale; I. Bell, University of New York; John R. Bowen, Cornell.
