
Technology Athletic Games.

The annual indoor open meet of the Institute of Technology Athletic Club was held last evening in the Technology Gymnasium on Exeter street. The following Harvard men won places: Thirty-five yards dash (open), J. T. Roche L. S. S., second; time, 4s. Putting 16 lb. shot, A. Lovering '97, first, 37 ft. 51/4 in.; K. K. Kubli L. S., second, 36 ft. 91/8 in. Running high jump, W. E. Putnam '96, first, 5 ft. 101/4 in: E. H. Clark '96, second, 5 ft. 91/4 in. Pole vault, W. W. Hoyt '98, first, 9 ft. 111/2 in.; A. B. Emmons '98, was tied with G. B. Atherton of the B. A. A. for second at 9 ft. 6 in.
