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It is with the most thorough gratification that we congratulate the representatives of our University upon their victory over Princeton in the debate last night. The committee who were in charge of the debate also deserve hearty congratulation. Everything was conducted with praiseworthy skill and efficiency, and the debate will go on record as one of the best managed and most interesting that have taken place in Cambridge.

To the three Harvard speakers is due the most praise. They showed themselves thoroughly prepared upon all sides of the question, and they evinced admirable quickness and judgment. Their speeches were calm, logical, and convincing. At the start they defined the point at issue clearly, and throughout the debate they adhered closely to their original proposition, digressing only when it was necessary to in order to combat the arguments of their opponents. Without an appearance of ranting, the Harvard men spoke with quiet, straightforward eloquence, and had the close attention of the large audience while they were speaking. It was not, however, by any means a walkover, for Princeton's representatives had a very strong case and made a creditable showing. The Harvard men feeling perhaps that they had the weaker side of the case were on their mettle, and they did not lose a single opportunity to improve their position and undermine that of their opponents. The closing speeches of the men who had the negative of the question were masterpieces, and probably nothing finer has been heard in Sanders Theatre since the first joint debate years ago.

The reason that the result of this debate is unusually gratifying is that an extraordinary interest in debating has been developed this year at Princeton. Chagrined al the defeat her representatives met at the hands of Harvard last year, Princeton has this year been making the most strenuous efforts to win the debate, and her speakers were trained with the utmost care. In spite of all this Harvard is again victorious, and her record is still unblemished. We are justly proud of our debaters.
