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After all that was said and done last winter with regard to students running up Massachusetts Avenue for exercise, such a communication as that which we publish this morning from Professor Beale should now be absolutely unnecessary. That it is not shows that many members of the University are exceedingly thoughtless, or are entirely without any sense of honor. For the sake of the good name of the University we trust that the former is the case. For several years the people of Cambridge were annoyed by having the students use the sidewalks for their exercise, and last year the annoyance became so great as to be generally considered a nuisance. Complaints were made to the city government, and a request was sent to the authorities of the University asking that the students refrain from using the sidewalks for running. Steps were immediately taken in the matter and from that time the athletic teams always ran in the street. Other students were urged to follow their example and for the rest of the year there was no further occasion for remonstrance. We regret exceedingly that another appeal to the good sense of the students is now necessary, and we trust that the request of the Athletic Committee will put an end to the annoying practice.
