
For Gymnasium Changes.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The present seems rather an inauspicious time to speak any but works of praise about the completed Gymnasium. I feel in common with every man who makes use of the Gymnasium the sincerest gratitude towards Mr. Hemenway. It is only to suggest how his gift may be of even more benefit than it now is that this communication is written.

In the management of the building since it has been opened to the University a regard to the feeling of a few employees seems to have taken precedence over the wishes of the large student body. Such seems to have been the case when on Friday evening. February 21, the Gymnasium was closed at 6 o'clock because the next day was a holiday. Now I believe the Gymnasium should have been open that night as usual, because a greater number of men than usual wished to use the bath room that night. I even would go so far as to ask that the Gymnasium be open on all holidays and also on Sundays. These are days of recreation; and many of us would enjoy our recreation best on the floor of the Gymnasium. At any rate the bath room ought to be open so that the 1000 students who room in dormitories where there are no bathing facilities may not be deprived of their daily bath. The opening of the Gymnasium on Saturday nights also seems to me to be very desirable, because it is the one time of the week when many men wish to get some exercise and a bath.

Surely the slight matter of expense cannot be urged against these changes, especially since the cost per capita of the Gymnasium is, as Dr. Sargent says, lower than ever before.

I wish also to protest against the surly and ungentlemanly conduct of the employees at the Gymnasium. They turn down the lights in the evening before the appointed hour of closing without any regard to what the students are doing, and they parade through the building like masters.


Finally, I think that when the Gymnasium must be closed in the evening at 6 o'clock a notice to that effect should be inserted in the CRIMSON of that morning. Yesterday afternoon I was deprived of my exercise and bath because no such notice was printed.

