
Vesper Service.

The Rev. S. J. McPherson, D. D., of Chicago, conducted the Vesper Service at Appleton Chapel yesterday. The attendance was far smaller than usual on account of the severe storm.

Dr. McPherson spoke of the necessity of faith in our modern life and read several passages in the Old and New Testaments, exemplifying the ideal of simple trust in God. In our own day genuine Christian faith is at once a vision and a venture, yet, although its visionary character leaves room for possible doubt and makes it seem perhaps fantastical, history has shown, as in the case of Rome before Christ's coming and of China today, that when men lose this visionary trust a low moral state is the inevitable result. With Christ returned the vision of God and the possiblity of redemption. Today the things that keep us most from practical faith in God are engrossing worldly occupations and unrestrained passions. There is also a danger in an ill-directed intellectual life. whoever has, nevertheless, thought or dreamed like Richter what the world would be without its God will wake to say with new fervor and gratitude the wonderful prayer of His Son, "Our Father who art in Heaven."

The choir sang the following selections: "The Haven," J. Beam; "Oh for a closer walk with God," Myles Foster; and "O Lord My God," Klein. The solo in the second selection was well rendered by E. M. Waterhouse '77.
