
New Rules for the I. A. A. A.

At the meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes, to be held in New York on February 28, amendents to the constitution and bylaws will be submitted. One of these provides that the annual convention of the association shall be held in New York on the last Saturday in February. The annual field meeting shall be held on the last Saturday in May of each year; but when the number of entries is large, the preliminary trials may be held on the preceding day, so that there shall be only finals and semi-finals to be run on Saturday afternoon in the 100 yards and 220 yards dashes, the 120 yards and 220 yards hurdle races, and only finals in the quarter-mile and half-mile runs. Field events shall be started Friday afternoon and continue until not more than five are left compete on Saturday afternoon. The bicycle races shall be held on the Saturday preceding the annual field meeting, on some track near New York City.

Article 5 of the by-laws is to be amended to provide for the following championship events: Running-100 yards dash, 220 yards dash, one-quarter mile run, one half mile run, one mile run, three mile run; hurdle racing-120 yards, 10 hurdles, 3 ft. 6 in.; 220 yards, 10 hurdles, 2 ft. 6 in.; walking, one mile; running broad jump; running high jump; pole-vaulting; putting 16 pound shot, bicycle racing, one-quarter mile, one-half mile, one mile, five miles, one mile for tandem teams.

Another amendment provides for the order of these events, and a fourth amends the rules to govern the award of the championship cup by adding that the bicycle races shall be counted as a whole upon the basis of ten points for the university or college winning the highest agregate of points in these races, four points for the second and two points for the third.
