

H. A. A.- The novice race of the B. A. A. games next Saturday night will be called at 7.15. The building will be open at 7 p. m., but competitors will be admitted at 6.45 at the door east of the main entrance. Mr. Lathrop has the competitors' tickets.

ADVOCATE CANDIDATES.- All men trying for the Advocate, or any who may wish to try, may discuss their contributions with some of the editors at the sanctum, 25 Church street, this afternoon between five and six. Rejected manuscripts will be returned at that time.

THERE will be a regular meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association at Holden Chapel, Thursday, February 6, at 6.45 p. m. Subject: "Life's Resting Places," Matt. 11, 28-29. Leader, R. C. Thomas '96. All are cordially invited.

MERMAID CLUB.- The next regular open meeting will be held on Friday, February 7, at 8 o'clock sharp, in 35 Hastings. The reading will be Dekker's "Shoemaker's Holiday," and Chapman's "Bussy D'Ambois."

THETA NU EPSILON.- Will all members of the Theta Nu Epsilon in the University kindly send their addresses to J. B. Ballister, Cambridge Post Office. 2t


FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8 p. m. sharp.

