

CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY.- The meeting of the directors is postponed until Friday, 7 February, at 5 p. m., in 23, University Hall.

L. W. MOTT, Sec.THETA NU EPSILON.- Will all members of the Theta Nu Epsilon in the University kindly send their addresses to J. B. Ballister, Cambridge Post Office. 2t

'98 CREW.- Candidates be dressed to row in the Gymnasium at 3.40.

CHARLES C. BULL.FRESHMAN CREW.- Candidates for the freshman crew be dressed at 4 p. m.

C. THOMSON, Temp. Capt.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be an important business meeting of the St. Paul's Society for the election of officers for the second half-year, on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 7 p. m., in 17 Grays.


H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.'VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM.- Everybody practice today as usual.

JAMES DEAN.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal Thursday at 8 p. m. All men must know music by then.

J. A. BURNHAM, JR.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Full rehearsal Wednesday at 7 o'clock in Lower Dane. Bring all parts.

M. S. SAVAGE, Sec.
