
Freshman Musical Clubs.

The freshman musical organizations appear to be doing well, despite the present lack of interest in the 'varsity clubs. As usual the clubs will be limited to three concerts by vote of the faculty. No concerts will be given by the three organizations until after the Easter recess, although parts of each club will assist in programmes before that time.

A triple quartette from the Glee Club will sing at Waltham on the seventeenth of this month.

The Glee Club is being ably led by G. H. Denison. The club is unusually small, the first tenor part numbering only two men. Every freshman who can sing at all is urged to try for the club.

The Banjo Club is doing excellent work under the leadership of J. A. Burnham, Jr. A number of the men have been playing with the 'varsity club and, if a good selection of pieces is made, the club should be better than most of the previous organizations.

The Mandolin Club, under the temporary leadership of A. C. Spalding, has not rehearsed as yet, but the material is excellent and a good club is looked for. The Glee Club consists of:


First tenors-D. Fairbank, F. D. Root.

Second tenors-H. M. Wing, L. E. Ware, F. A. Turner, M. S. Savage.

First basses-M. L. Stern, B. H. Whitbeck, L. B. Preston.

Second basses-G. H. Denison, R. P. Clarkson, P. Jewel, S. C. Coleman.

The Banjo Club consists of:

President, L. T. Baker; leader, J. A. Burnham, Jr.; secretary, P. French.

Banjeaurines-G. Baker, L. T. Baker, J. A. Burnham, P. Jewell, A. C. Spaulding, L. Smith, S. C. Coleman.

Banjos-P. French, E. A. Boardman, F. W, Blatchford.

Guitars-J. McD. Campbell, C. A. Parker, C. Johnston, J. Q. Beecher.
