
Columbia University.

The trustees of Columbia College have adopted the following resolutions:

Resolved, That in all official publications hereafter issued by or under authority of the trustees, all the departments of instruction and research maintained and managed by this corporation may, for convenience, be designated collectively as "Columbia University in the City of New York," or "The University," and the School of Arts, as the same is now known and described, may hereafter be designated as "Columbia College," or "The College."

Resolved, That the subjects of study shall be so grouped as to form eight independent courses of instruction-a course in mining engineering, civil engineering, sanitary engineering, electrical engineering, metallurgy, geology and paleontology, analytical and applied chemistry and architecture. At the beginning of the first year, each student shall elect which of the eight courses above mentioned he intends to pursue, and after having made his selection he shall not be permitted to abandon the courses chosen in order to take up another without the consent of the president and the dean.

Resolutions were adopted establishing two scholarships, to be known as the Stuart scholarships, founded by Mrs. Cornelia A. At will, in memory of her grandsons, Sidney Barculo Stuart, of the class of '80, and Eugene Tamlan Stuart, of the clase of '81.

A prize to be known as the Grant Squires prize, to be awarded at commencement at the close of every quinquennial period, to such graduate as shall be adjudged most worthy by a committee of award for conducting an original investigation of a sociological character, was also established.

