

Will Probably Have a Set of Athletic Games at New=Haven.

Yale and Princeton will in all probability form a dual league in track athletics similar to that now existing between the two colleges in baseball and football. Members of the managements of the track associations of Yale and Princeton held a meeting at the Waldorf Hotel, New York City, recently, for the purpose of talking over such a dual league. It is probable that the games will take place this year at New Haven, and the date May 16, as Princeton's other spring dates are already filled.

It has also been definitely learned that the story sent out recently from New Haven saying that a triple league had been entered into by Yale, Princeton and California in track athletics is without foundation. No official information has been received from California by either managements (Yale or Princeton) that the Westerners will send a track team East the coming season, and no league between the three colleges has even been officially discussed.
