
Yale Crew.

The decision of the Yale management to send the crew to England next summer has met with great favor among the Yale students. The prospects of a good crew are very bright, so that the men have strong hopes of making a good showing at Henley. The course at Henley is only 300 yards over a mile long. This will necessitate a somewhat faster stroke than has hitherto been used in the four mile races. Mr. Cook expects to be able to coach the crew a good part of the time, although his plans are as yet somewhat uncertain. He will probably be assisted by Hartwell, Bolton, Ives and other graduate coaches. Mr. Cook himself is very enthusiastic about the race As to the expense of the trip he thinks it will not be much greater than if Yale were to enter the quadrangular race. the crew will be sent to England early enough so that the change of climate may not operate to the disadvantage of the men.
