
Literary Notices.

Houghton, Mifflin and Co. will publish about the middle of February a volume entitled "Visions and Service," containing discourses preached in college chapels by Bishop Lawrence, of Massachusetts.

Bayard Taylor is about to be added to the Series of American Men of Letters, in which he manifestly belongs, in a book by A. H. Smyth of Philadelphia.

Mr. Francis C. Lowell, a lawyer of Boston, has written a volume on "Joan of Arc," in which he has made a very careful study of all the phenomena of this unique character, and has given special attention to the trial. Houghton, Mifflin and Co. will publish it shortly.

Rev. Dr. Coyle, formerly of North Adams and later of Denver, left a volume of Lectures which he had given in Iowa College on "The Spirit in Literature and Life." This will soon be published by Houghton Mifflin and Co.

"The Parson's Proxy" is the name of a new story by Mrs. Kate W. Hamilton, author of "Rachel's Share of the Road," which will speedily appear from the Riverside Press.


The fourth edition of the one-volume Cambridge Edition of Browning's Complete Works is on the press. The success of this edition is something remarkable.

The issue of Mrs. Deland's "Philip and His Wife" in the Riverside Paper Series has given a fresh lease to this remarkable novel. It has already reached the twelfth thousand.
