
Vesper Service.

Yesterday afternoon in Appleton Chapel Rev. George A. Gordon of Boston conducted the Vesper Service. He preached his sermon from Galatians, 1, 17: "I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus."

Mr. Gordon showed the similarity between Paul's retirement to Arabia, before entering upon his new life of activity, and the seclusion of the college man before entering into the real struggle of life.

Paul showed that the retirement was but a step to something beyond. He sought discipline and intellectual power, but these acquirements were to culminate in moral insight. Thus also it is the mission of the rising generation to fit itself, in college, to preach to the world a new message of peace.

The choir sang the following selections: "Jerusalem-high Tower," H. W. Parker; "Christian, the Evening Waits," Shelley; and "Turn Thy Face," Atwood.
