The Harvard Athletic Association will hold its third biennial invitation games on Holmes Field, Saturday, May 9. The handicap events will be:
120 yards hurdles, 10 hurdles 3.5 feet high (9 yards limit penalty); 150 yards dash (9 yards limit); 440 yards run (30 yards limit); 880 yards run (60 yards limit); one mile run (120 yards limit); 1462/3 yards hurdles, 7 hurdles, 2.5 feet high, (9 yards limit); one mile bicycle race (60 yards limit); running high jump (no limit); running broad jump (2 ft. limit); throwing 16 lb. hammer, 7 ft. run, (24 ft. limit; putting 16 lb. shot (6 ft. limit); pole vault (18 in. limit).
In addition to the handicap events there will be a special half mile, scratch, open to all amateurs, a mile relay race, open to all colleges (Harvard barred), and an interscholastic mile relay championship of the United States.
In the relay races every team will consist of four men, each man to run a quarter of a mile. In the college race competitors must be able to qualify under the eligibility rules of the I. C. A. A., and in the school race they must not be over 21 years of age.
These biennial games were begun to take the place in Cambridge of the dual meet between Harvard and Yale when those games were held on alternate years in New Haven The games this year promise to be especially interesting. In the high hurdles Chase of Dartmouth, holder of the world's record, has written that he will enter. Wefers of Georgetown University, holder of the world's records in the 100 and 220 yards dashes, has been invited to compete. In the mile run, Conneff, of Holy Cross College, world's champion, has been invited to enter. In the special scratch half mile, Kilpatrick, of Union College, holder of the world's half mile record has promised to run. Burke, winner of the quarter mile in the international meet, Hollander, McLaughlin, Delaney, Remington, Dadmun, Hollister and others will be especially invited to compete.
Handsome prizes made from special designs will be given to first, second and third in each of the handicap events. A special trophy will be given to the winner of the scratch half mile race, with prizes to second and third. In the relay races silk banners will be given to the winning teams and individual prizes to members of the first, second and third teams in each race.
For information address P. S. Dalton, Secretary H. A. A., 7 Wadsworth House, Cambridge.
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