Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5, 4 p. m.
English 6. Oral Debate. Harvard 1, 3.30 p. m.
Question: "Resolved, That President Cleveland's Venezuelan message was wise and statesmanlike."
Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: M. G. Seelig and C. R. Wilson.- Negative: H. A. Bigelow and F. D. Pollak.
Open to all members of the University.
Freshman Debating Club. Debate. University 16, 7 p. m.
Question: "Resolved, That it is for the best interests of the United States that Grover Cleveland should serve a third term as president."
Principal disputants.- Affirmative: C. A. Wheeler and E. S. Wise.- Negative: W. R. Dickinson and G. Bancroft.
All freshmen are cordially invited.
Lecture. Bimetallism since the Discovery of America. IV. 1850-1870. The Californian and Australian Gold Discoveries.- The Latin Union. Francis A. Walker, LL.D. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 7.45 p. m.
Open to the public.
Harvard Civil Service Reform Club. Smoke Talk. Civil Service Reform in its Relations to some Social Problems. Professor Taussig. Colonial Club House, 7.45 p. m.
Sanskrit Conference. The Sanskrit Epics. Professor Lanman, 9 Farrar St., 8 p. m.
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