

STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE.- Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 today from 9 to 11 o'clock to consult with any one interested in philanthropic work.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.30 sharp.

R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 5 sharp. Election of officers.

A. C. SPALDING.CHESS CLUB.- Meeting in 1 Thayer Hall at 7.30 this evening. Mr. George H. Walcott, the well-known amateur and problemist of the Boston Chess Club, will play a dozen or more games simultaneously against the club. Full attendance would be a fitting welcome. Extra boards and sets will be of use.

E. E. SOUTHARD, Sec.THE Philosophical Society meets Wednesday, 7.30 p. m., in the Psychological Laboratory. Mr. O. W. Henshaw constructs, by propositions, a system of Idealism. Any graduate student of the University interested in philosophy is invited to be present.


ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section at 7.30 this evening in S. 9. A chairman will be elected for the coming year.

W. H. HERSCHEL, Chairman.ICE POLO TEAM.- Play Brown at 4 p. m. on Spy Pond.

F. J. GOODRIDGE, Capt.PROHIBITION CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Prohibition Club this evening at 46 College House at seven o'clock. All prohibitionists are invited.

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA.- Rehearsal at 2.30 p. m. today.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal Wednesday at 4.45 oiciock. Bring all parts.

M. S. SAVAGE, Sec.HARVARD FENCING CLUB.- Any member wishing tickets for the fencing competition to be held in New York Feb. 29 may obtain them free of charge from A. G. Thacher, 37 Beck.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the Glee Club Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7 o'clock in Dane Hall. Candidates will be required to bring solo.

