

HARVARD SOUTHERN CLUB.- All members of the club who expect to attend the dinner must sign the blue-book in Leavitt and Pierce's before 3 o'clock this afternoon.

H. K. BRENT, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the Glee Club Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7 o'clock in Dane Hall. Candidates will be required to bring solo.

R. L. SCAIFE.ADVOCATE.- Will all men who wish to submit manuscripts for the next number of the Advocate leave them with the secretary at 1256 Mass. Av., or in the box at Foster's before Feb. 25.

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA.- Rehearsal at 9 a. m.

SOCIAL UNION.- Wanted, a man to teach book-keeping, Monday, 10-11 a. m. Apply to H. W. Foote, 18 Hastings.


GRADUATE CLUB.- The next regular meeting of the club will be held in the Colonial Club House, Quincy street, Friday evening, Feb. 21, at 8 o'clock. Professors Davis and Emerton will address the club on "The Graduate's Opportunity in Secondary Education."
