The latest opinion as to Yale's weak points brings out another difficulty in the Library equipment, its deplorable lack of funds for anual purchases. In a recent letter Dr. W. L. Phelps adds force to Professor Cook's statement that the Library receives too little attention and in some respects, too little use, and adds the charge of poverty of Library funds. Professor Farnam has added his testimony to this and the real condition of things has thus first been brought to the notice of many. Yale has but $7000 annually available for book purchases, against $43,000 at Columbia and $15,000 at Harvard, and it will be impossible to hold our own in Library growth or to meet the requirements unless these funds can be largely increased.
The committee of the New York Alumni appointed to investigate the status of debating, recently issued a pamplilet giving the results of their investigations and drew up resolutions. Their most radical suggestion is the addition of an experienced debater to the corps of college instructors, to give teachings in debate and parliamentary procedure.
The Lit. medal has been awarded to C. P. Kitchel '97 and the number of the Lit. just issued brings the competition from '97 to a close. The elections will be held the present week.
Crew training continues with the number of candidates unchanged save for the addition of W. M. Beard of last year's crew and C. Chadwick to the squad. Nothing further has been done for a 'varsity race and no arrangements are as yet possible for the '99 crew. It is likely that the crews will use the harbor soon if it remains as open as it has been. Additions of the trophy flags of the Lawrence-Sheffield Scientific Schools race at Worcester in 1870 have been made to the trophy room. The Hemenway Gymnasium has trophies of a similar race in 1866.
The Phelps Gateway is approaching completion as only the plastering and carpentry are now unfinished.
President Hyde of Bowdoin spoke in the Chapel Sunday.
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St. John's Memorial Chapel.