
Special Notice.

AT the Castle Square Theatre, for Monday evening, Feb. 17, Mr. Rose announces a double bill that is in itself extraordinary. "Pinafore" will be the opening piece and every one seems to be anxious to renew acquaintance with the old favorite. The opera was the first of the Gilbert and Sullivan series to be produced in this country and marked the beginning of those extraordinary successes that all remember. The cast will include Mr. Wooley as Sir Joseph Porter, Mr. Murray as Capt. Corcoran, Mr. Wolff as Dick Deadeye, while Messrs. Read and Jones will be the two sailors, Bob Becket and Bill Bobstay. Miss Lane should make a charming Josephine; there being a double bill Miss Mason will alternate with her in this role. Miss Ladd is to be the Hebe, while the blithsome Buttercup will have a worthy exponent in Miss Leighton.

On the same evening Mascagni's Grand Opera "Cavalleria Rusticana" will be given with a distribution of characters as follows: Santuzza, Miss Lane and Miss Mason; Lola, Miss Ladd, Lucia, Miss Leighton. Tiridu, Mr. Persse and Mr. Bassett, the latter a new comer; Alfio, Mr. Wolff and Mr. Murray. A bill of this kind was never before given and it is an undertaking which no opera company has ever dared attempt but the Castle Square Opera Company has established a reputation for audacity and may be relied upon to successfully keep the promise made for Monday, Feb. 17, as they have redeemed all pledges made to the public since the opening of the season on May 6, 1895.

For the personal convenience of his patrons, Mr. Rose announces that special cars will leave the theatre at the close of the evening performances for all railroad stations, Cambridge, via Boylston street; and Grove Hall, via Huntington avenue.

TUTORING.- English, A, B, 2, 11; Physics, 1-5; Chemistry, A, B, 1, 2a, 2; Mathematics, A to F. Applications by mail.

F. L. MEREDITH, B. S., 8 Ellery St., Cambridge. tfTO LET.- Furnished or unfurnished, room No. 7 Manter, for balance of term, at reduced rates. Apply to


JAMES M. HILTON, Hilton Block.7 3t

LAW CLERK WANTED.- Graduate, good college and law school. Room 76, 111 Broadway, New York. 7 2t

DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.

ALL graduates of '94 and '95 who have not yet received copies of the Portfolio for '94 or '95 may receive them by writing W. B. Wolffe.
