Lectures on Bimetallism.(Continued form first page.)
Francis A. Walker, Ph. D., LL. D. will deliver a course of lectures on Tuesday and Friday evenings, at a quarter before eight, beginning February 11, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum. Subject: Bimetallism since the Discovery of America. Open to the public.
Symphony Concerts.Thursday evenings, February 20, March 12, April 9, and April 30.
Lectures on Physical Training.Dr. Sargent will give a course of four lectures on Physical Traning in the Lecture room of the Fogg Museum on successive Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock, beginning February 20. These lectures will be illustrated by the stereopticon and by living subjects, and will be open to the public. The subjects and dates are as follows:
Feb. 20.- The Physical Development of College Students.
Feb. 27.- muscular Development without Apparatus.
Mar 5.- Training and Over-training.
Mar. 12-What Harvard has done for Physical Education.
Assyrian Readings.Professor Lyon will give five Assyrian Readings, with stereopticon illustrations, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, on Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock. These readings are open to the public. The dates and subjects are as follows:
Feb. 21.- A Temple Restoration of the 14th century B. C. Exhibition of the original alabaster record, recently presented to the Semitic Museum.
Feb. 28.- Some Oriental Diplomatic Correspondence of the 15th century B. C.
Mar. 6.- The Broken Wing of the South Wind. A Babylonian Myth written in the 15th century B. C., recently found in the ruins of an Egyptian library of the same date.
Mar. 13.- Marduk and the Dragon. A Babylonian version of the Cosmogonic Myth.
Mar. 20.- Selections from an Assyrian Book of Prayers.
The Fine Arts of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance.Professor Moore will give six evening exhibitions of lantern slides illustrating the Fine Arts of the Middle Ages. These exhibitions will be given on successive Monday evenings, at eight o'clock, beginning February 24, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, and will be open to the public.
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