

New Swimming Tank Completed.- Increased Interest in Track Athletics.

PRINCETON, N. J., Feb. 12.

The new term began Feb. 6, after two weeks of mid-year examinations in which the unqualified success of the honor system was again assured.

The swimming tank in the Brokaw Memorial has been open for use during the last few days, although not yet formally handed over to the college authorities, since some further arrangements must be made to perfect the heating apparatus. The tank is over one hundred feet long, about twenty feet wide, and the water is kept at a depth of about seven feet. It is lined with white tile and fitted up with spring boards, trapezes, rings and overhanging rings. The water circulates continually through pipes leading to the immense boiler where the water is heated. The dressing rooms connected with the tank-rooms contain more than five hundred lockers with the necessary shower baths adjoining. An assessment is levied on all the students to defray the running expenses.

The baseball schedule for the season of 1896 has just been announced in full. The management deserve great credit for their success in arranging such a complete schedule and should have the hearty support of the whole college, especially in the matter of the additional games with Harvard and Yale. The new baseball men have been ordered by Captain Bradley to report for practice in the cage, while the old men will remain working in the gymnasium till the latter part of March, when the cage will be less damp and the professional coach, Earle, will have charge of the men.

The success of the Princeton relay team and the other contestants from Princeton in the B. A. A. games is hoped to be a forerunner of the further prosperity of Princeton's track athletics. Not for a long time has there been so much interest shown in this branch of athletics nor such extensive plans made by the management. The prominent candidates have been working faithfully in the gymnasium and have made good progress under Captain Garret and Mr. Goldie, as shown by the result at Boston. In addition to this, by reason of the host of good material in the freshman class, Princeton should raise considerably the standard and quality of her track athletics, which hitherto played so small a part in her college affairs.


The Junior Promenade, preceded by a concert by the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs, was held in the Casino last Friday night. It was one of the most successfull dances ever held in Princeton. The attendance was very large but the floor was not uncomfortably crowded. The prevailing color used in the artistic decorating was pink mingled with pale green and white, the whole blending very effectively. The boxes were also draped in pink and were all decorated in a most becoming and elaborate manner. Lander's orchestra of New York, hidden by palms and exotics, rendered exceedingly fine dance music. All of the arrangements for supper as well as the other features of the dance were almost perfect and reflected great credit on the '97 Dance Committee.

