Reports from Yale and Princeton show that interest in debating has reached a point far above anything before known in the history of either university. This interest has been steadily growing since the beginning of the college year, and there seems to be a spirit of determination to win the debates with Harvard at whatever cost. At Yale the alumni have taken up the subject and offered new inducements to men to go in for debating.
Now if Harvard is to win this year the interest which has been so great in former years should not be allowed to flag, especially when the other universities are making unusual efforts to defeat her. Thus far the interest of the students, we think, has not been as great as it should have been. The reputation of Harvard in debate is a splendid one. She can show an absolutely unbroken record of victories, and every student in the University should feel a personal interest in keeping this record as clear as it now is.
The two debating clubs offer almost the only means of training for men who wish to take up debating, and in past years the men who represented Harvard have with few exceptions been chosen from one or the other of these clubs. Competitive debates for membership in these two organizations have already been announced. The Union will hold a debate for candidates tonight and the Forum will hold one next week. It is as true in debating as in athletics, that the larger the number of candidates, the greater the chances of getting good men, and consequently the greater the chances of success in intercollegiate contests. We urge every man then who really takes an interest in debating to try for membership in one of these clubs, since the future success of the University in debating depends upon it. A man should not hesitate because he is doubtful of his ability, for no one knows what he can do until he has tried.
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