'98 CREW.- Candidates be dressed to row at 3.30.
CHARLES C. BULL.CHAMBER ORCHESTRA.- Rehearsal this morning at eleven o'clock sharp.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Full rehearsal at 5 o'clock today. Quartette at 7 o'clock. Every man must attend.
M.S. SAVAGE, Sec.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30, in 9 Little's.
R. L. SCAIFE.OXFORD CLUB will meet this evening in the Epworth M. E. Church, at 7 p. m.
SECRETARY.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock sharp.
PHILIP FRENCH, Sec.'97 CREW.- Row today at 4.35 sharp. All candidates for coxswain be in rowing room.
H. C. DEV. CORNWELL.FRESHMAN CREW.- Those who have appointments to row in the Carey Building this morning at 11.15 will cancel such appointments.
A. M. KALES.THERE will be a meeting of the Harvard Democratic Club this evening, in Univesity 16 at 7 o'clock for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization. All men intersted are invited to be present.
F. DOBYNS, Temp. Pres.
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Columbia School of Political Science.