CRIMSON.- The semi-annual election of officers will be held this evening at 7.30 o'clock. This is the last meeting of the Ninety-six board.
H. U. C. A.- The Cycling Association will begin regular training today. Let all riders come out and try for the team. Meet at the Gymnasium at 5.
J. FREEMAN WOOD, Capt.SAMOSET CLUB.- The regular halfyearly meeting will be held in 21 Hastings this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. The Meeting is important and all members must attend. Election.
'98 CREW.- Candidates be dressed to row at 3.40. The following men must also be ready to row: Hurley, A. H. Rice, J. Adams, Brent, Procter, Towner and Flershem.
CHARLES C. BULL.LAMPOON.- Important meeting of the board in the Sanctum Monday afternoon at 4.30.
W. MCKITTRICK, Sec.LACROSSE.- All men who wish to try for the team will be expected to come out daily from now on. Stick practice at 4.30 on the asphalt court. New men should come out at once.
W. SCOTT.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal Tuesday at 7 p. m., at 1256 Massachusetts avenue. All men who were taken on for further trial must attend.
A. C. SPALDING.PIERIAN SODALITY.- There will be an important business meeting for members only in Roberts Hall, Monday evening, February 10 at seven o'clock. No rehearsal.
A. W. HALL, Pres.H. D. A.- Last meeting of the present board of directors Monday, Feb. 10, at 6.30 p. m.
H. C. LAKIN, Pres.8 3t
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