We are glad to publish this morning the announcement of the first issue of The Cambridge Magazine. It must be gratifying to Harvard students to see the gradual enlargement and development of the Prospect Union, for the success of this institution is in a great degree due to the interest taken in the work by members of the University. The new periodical is the successor to the Prospect Union Review, but we should hardly recognize it in its new form. In appearance and size it much resembles the Bachelor of Arts. The first number has in all seventy-two pages of reading matter and several illustrations.
Though the actual work of publishing the magazine is done almost entirely by students of the Prospect Union, the sources from which material is obtained are not limited, and the present number contains several contributions from well-known men, some of whom are connected with the University.
The Cambridge Magazine shows how deep an interest the students of the Prospect Union themselves take in that institution, and how great has been the increase in its influence and power.
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