
The Social Science Series.

Agricultural Labourer (The). A short

Summary of his position. By T. E. Kebbel.

Allotments and Small Holdings. By J. L. Green.

British Freewomen; their Historical

Privilege. By Scharlotte C. Stopes. Booth's (Gen'l) Social Scheme. Criticisms on, from three different points of


view. By C. S. Loch, Bernard Bosanquet and Rev. Canon Philip Dwyer.

Charity Organizations. By C. S Loch. Civilization; its Cause and Cure. By

Edward Carpenter.

Collectivism and the Socialism of the

Liberal School. By A. Naquet. Translated by William Heaford.

Commercial Crises of the Nineteenth

Century, by M. Hyndman.

Co-operative (The), Movement. By Beatrice Potter.

Other Papers; the Report of a Conference on Land. Co-operation and

Unemployed. Edited by J. A. Hobson. Crime and its Causes. By W. Douglas Morrison. Darwinism and Politics. By D. G. Ritchie.
