
Special Notice.

TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf

DANCING.- Harvard gentlemen desiring to learn or practice the polite art will do well to address Mr. and Mrs. Black, 159 Mass. avenue, near Boylston street, Boston. Circulars mailed. 18 20

MENU of today's Table d'hote dinner at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street, from 12 to 2 and 6 to 7 p. m.; 50c. Soup: Puree de tomates aux croutons. Fish: Fresh Mackerel au gratin. Joints: Roast leg of Lamb Mint Sauce, Roast loins of fresh Pork, Apple Sauce. Entree: Chicken Croquette a la Creme. Vegetables: French peas, potatoes. Dessert: Ice Cream and Cakes. First class board. Club room and tables.

MRS. RANSFORD, of 22 Prescott street, has a training table vacant. Gentlemen desiring to engage a club table for present use or occupation after the Xmas vacation should make immediate application. Also two seats at general table vacant. 58 6t

HARVARD men, who are at all interested in Old English and Colonial Furniture, Historical China, Antique Silver, pewter, etc., have an exceptionable opportunity offered to them in the exhibition at Lewis J. Bird's 32 Bromfield St., Dec. 7 and 8. The articles there include some of the finest pieces ever imported into this country, and the display is well worth going out of one's way to see. 57 4


LOST.- A King Charles spaniel, lame in the left hind leg. Will the finder please return to 12 Quincy street, Cambridge. 56 3t

Come and try Youngs until the Christmas vacation, then make up your mind afterwards. Our club tables are unsurpassed. The hours for breakfast are from 8 until 10.30. One room empty. Come for it. General table starts Monday.

YOUNG'S, 15 Bow street.56 tf

C. S. HAWES ('93) has a club table vacant which he would like to let at once, or to some club which intends to change its boarding place after the Christmas recess. 10 Remington street, opposite Ware Hall. 56 6t

VERY desirable newly furnished room, with furnace heat, hot water and bath, at 17 Shepard St. 59 2

ANY student not having the celebrated "Thistle Edition" of Robert Louis Stevenson's work can obtain one on very easy terms by addressing X, CRIMSON. Also a very choice edition of Victor Hugo, gilt tops. One hundred photogravures, bound in three-quarter extra morocco binding, only $1.00 per month. Also the complete works of Bulwer, Dickens, Dumas, Waverly, Eliot, Thackeray, Irving, Emerson, Holmes, Lowell and Hawthorne, bond in the same elegant style on similar easy terms. Also a magnificent set of the "Arabian Nights," unexpurgated, very rare. 59 3
