

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The usual weekly meeting of the Christian Association will be held Thursday evening, at 6.45 o'clock in Holden Chapel. Subject: "The Heavenly Vision." Acts 26:19. Leader: F. L. Waldo '98. All members of the University are invited to be present.

STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE.- Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 today from 9 until 11, to talk with men in regard to volunteer charity work.

H. E. S.- There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering section in Walter Hastings Hall, No. 25, at 7.45 this evening. Mr. D. L. Turner will talk on "The Tehuantepec Ship Railway as proposed by the late James B. Eads." All students of civil engineering are invited to be present.

J. F. OSBORN, Sec.THERE will will be a trial of candidates for the Freshman Banjo Club, Thursday, Dec. 10, at 7 p. m., in 1256 Mass. Ave. All Freshmen who play the banjeaurines, banjo, or guitar are urged to try.

R. B. FLERSHEM.PHI DELTA THETA, Mass. Alpha Alumni Chapter.- The Boston Alumni will hold an informal dinner at six o'clock on Tuesday, December eighth, at the Castle Square Hotel. Dr. Brown of the Scroll will be present as the guest of the Chapter. A review of the doings of the last convention will also be given. Every Phi in the University is cordially invited to attend. Acceptances should be sent to W. W. Case, 30 Congress St., Boston.

