To the Editors of the Crimson:
I desire to correct a historical error in your editorial of Saturday last, Dec. 5. "Never," you say, "in recent years have so many candidates been out in the fall, nor has there for many years been a race between 'Varsity eights in the fall."
Let me again quote from the CRIMSON under the date of December 6, 1894, from an article on the 'Varsity crew. After saying that the 'Varsity have been out daily for a period of five weeks the article continues: "During the last two weeks of river work the launch was in daily use and the two crews, a first and second 'Varsity, rowed side by side under the eye of Mr. Watson. Once the second 'Varsity was given a handicap of some lengths and the 'Varsity attempted to close up the gap in a long stretch." (Three miles).
It will be seen from this that, only as short a time ago as the fall of 1894, there were as many candidates out as have been out this fall and that there was "a race between 'Varsity eights in the fall."
Let no one misconstrue this correction into a reflection which would detract from the praise due Mr. Lehmann, but rather rejoice that the lethargic sleep into which we had fallen was not quite as deep as your editorial depicted it to be.
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