
Columbia's New Gymnasium.

The new gymnasium of Columbia College given by President Seth Low will be the finest building of its kind in America.

The first three stories of the new building, which will be known as University Hall, are to cost $450,000, and work upon them has already begun. As it approaches completion the plans will be made to suit whatever condition the needs of the university require.

The entrance to the gymnasium is on a level with the street, and on the ground floor is the swimming pool. This pool will contain 240,000 gallons of filtered water, and will be about twice the size of the tank in the Yale gymnasium. Around the edges of the building will be placed showers, needle baths, lockers and dressing room.

The gymnasium will be, like the pool, in the shape of a half moon. Over its widest part it will be 170 feet, and in it every conceivable apparatus for physical development will be made use of. Overlooking the floor of the gymnasium will be a great balcony, Suspended from the ceiling, where it runs over the gymnasium and circling the entire interior of the building, is to be built a running track 12 feet wide and nine laps to the mile. In the southern portion of the building will be athletic rooms, boxing rooms, fencing rooms and directors' appartments.

The alumni of Columbia are now trying to raise a sum large enough to purchase an athletic field near the new gymnasium.

